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10 October 2007

Malaysia Into Space For The First Time

Congrat to Malaysia and Dr.Sheikh Muszahaphar Shukor for been the first Malaysian to space.While going through some news about this launching,manage to found some funny stuff and tradition astronauts and cosmonauts do before launching.Despite all the modern technology Russians still fall back on superstition to foreseen that all are OK.The launching will never be done on any OCT 24 cos it was day when one of their spacecraft exploded in 1980.Its also bad luck to send invitation for attending launching party before a success launch took off.Well they only will sent out after the launching,so weird........
.Imagine only sent out the invitation to attend launching party only after launching be done!Crew are not allowed to visit launch pad during the lifting of rocket launcher.Cos this can be consider bad luck.And the most important ritual are the one when the crews are on the way to the launch pad by bus have to stop at midway and conduct a ritual that has been done since Yuri Gaggarin(the first man to go to space in 1961)by crew member to "URINATE ON THE BUS TYRES".But since this trip to space got one female in the crews.So i was thinking how she going to do that.Lucky that since she is a female she may skip the ritual....hahahahaha. Imagine a female astronauts squating and pull down her cosmo suit and urinate on the bus tyres:-)

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2 Lu Lang Kong:

Dragon said...

Wah.... no one leave comment one... nvm, let me do it.

I'm not really follow the news but at least I knew this one... hahaha :)

Joze Foo said...

Wah..the astronaut so ean tau... :D~~